
奈良女子大学 セミナー The Power of Travel and Tourism ― 持続可能な観光開発とは ―


公開日: 2015/10/16
  • その他

逐次通訳付き 参加無料 どなたも歓迎です 申込不要
Free Seminar in English & Japanese

【 日時 When 】
10月28日(水)  14:40~16:10 
Wednesday, October 28th , 2015
【 場所 Where 】
奈良女子大学  E218-1教室(E棟2階)  
Nara Women’s University (NWU)  Room E218-1
【 講師 Our Guest Speaker 】
ハーモニー・ラムさん Ms. Harmony Lamm 
国連世界観光機関(UNWTO)アジア太平洋センター  事業・広報課長
Deputy Manager, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific


In 2014, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) reported that there were 1.1 billion international tourists and predicts that by 2030 there will be 1.8 billion tourists crossing international borders.
On October 28th, Harmony Lamm, Deputy Manager of the UNWTO Regional Support Office for Asia and the Pacific, will give a presentation on travel trends, UNWTO activities, and discuss the development of sustainable tourism, and why that is important for all people and places.